Thursday, May 1, 2008

500HR = Hall of Fame?

We're putting this up for people to have an opportunity to discuss our poll on the right. Let us know how & why you voted!


Rosie said...

I think Griffey & ARod are shoe-ins! And to think these two guys came up in the same organization -- Seattle!

Anonymous said...

For the record, I voted for all of the players on the poll, even though I'm not sure Thome really belongs. I've never really thought of him as one of the best players in baseball. Having said that though, he's had a long, very good career. There are undoubtedly worse players in the HOF, though that's not a good reason to put someone else in. When it comes down to it, I guess I just think that if 500 HR is a HOF standard, you should get in if you hit 500.

I've already said that I think Arod and Griffey were the two best position players of our lifetime (so far, anyway). Griffey's coming up on the end of his career, but considering the level of Arod's play, and the number of years you could reasonably expect a high level of play into the future, I think you could make a strong case that he's The Greatest Baseball Player of All Time.

I happened to grow up in the Chicago viewing area, and remember watching Thomas hit during the first 10 years or so of his career. He was the dominant hitter in baseball for 5 years or so. You just kind of knew he was going to crush the ball if the pitcher didn't chicken out. Frankly, it was like watching Bonds hit toward the end of his career, but without any hint of steroids.

Sosa had a great run of too. He took the Cubs (the CUBS) to the playoffs twice, and was a legit MVP candidate 7 times. I do have a problem with the fact that he was caught cheating (corked bat), but there is precedent for letting cheaters in (hello, Gaylord). In the non-Bonds division, I think you'd have to call him the best player in the NL during the '90s.

As for Bonds, I don't know how anybody could not vote for him in good conscience. I believe he used steroids, and that by doing so he cheated. But I don't know that steroids are the reason he was so dominant. And I do know that other players, against whom he is compared, also used steroids, even if I don't know who they are. And at least some of the pitchers he so utterly dominated also used steroids. Some of them were even _proven_ to have done so, unlike Bonds. Unless you can identify all of the players who cheated like Bonds did, and similarly discount their achievements, I don't think it's appropriate to dismiss his credentials. And his credentials say he is one of the three greatest players ever. How can you not put him in?

Professor Craig Condella said...

I think Bonds, Griffey, and A-rod are no-brainers and they were the three I initially voted for. Bonds obviously comes with some baggage, but the fact that he was already great before he doubled in size and put up other-worldly numbers puts him in for me.

I balk at Sosa as it seems more likely that artificial enhancement MADE his career, even more so than McGwire. Whether or not this should automatically discredit his achievements, I'm not sure. He did string together 3 or 4 years with Ruthian numbers, but I just don't know. If he's in, though, I think McGwire has to go too.

I'm torn with Thomas and Thome, but for different reasons than Sosa. I am more open to The Big Hurt going in as there were several years there where he was the best hitter in the AL. Thome seems like more of an accumulator (though a darn good one). I suppose I'd be OK with either one getting in. Perhaps it's the DH thing that casts a shadow of doubt over their credentials.