Monday, September 22, 2008

Farewell To The House That Ruth Built

This week we'll be saying goodbye to Yankee Stadium.
Do you have a favorite Yankee Stadium moment? Post it here!


Anonymous said...

Tough one for me. Opening Day in 1996 in the snow. Bernie's walkoff HR in 1999 ALCS. The clincher vs. Seattle in the 2001 ALCS. Hideki's Opening Day Grand Slam in his Stadium debut. Jeter's first career Grand Slam. Really hard to choose, but I'm not sure if any of them tops the first time I saw the brilliant green of the infield grass when I went to my first game with my Dad and Popop in 1988.

Anonymous said...

I've got lots. 1. My first game was in my senior year of college, which also included my first subway ride. 2. First Opening Day was a bus trip with Craig & a big group from Scranton. 3. Yanks vs. Cleveland with Dr. Casey (Assenmacher: me - he must have been made fun of as a kid with a name like that; Casey - he's a big guy. / Kenney Lofton's homerun, for which I accidentally cheered and Casey told me it must have gone 300 feet.) 4. Bernie Williams 10th inning HR against the Red Sox in the playoffs. 5. Playoff game against Seattle - game was a 12-3 blowout, but the crowd went wild chanting all the players names. 6. Matsui's debut with a grand slam. 7. Jeter's 1st grand slam, which was also the end of our x-country trip. 8. The time Mike got a "nice mullet" chant going against a Yankee fan heckling the Red Sox fans. 9. Attending every Opening Day since 1998. 10. Watching Mariano Rivera enter from left field to close the game. Enter Sandman!

TheClams said...

Was the "I'm only here for the free Hintch" comment made at opening day? I remember it was against the A's but don't remember the year.
I would have to say the Fetus' comment about having the best sandwich since back in Nam was also an opening day memory.