Thursday, February 7, 2008

Name That Catch!

Name that catch! (You know what we're talking about.)

In case you don't, it's that amazing play in the 4th quarter when Eli eludes 2 linebackers and passes to David Tyree, who catches the ball on his helmet, under great pressure from Rodney Harrison. (Whew -- try all saying that in one breath!)

If you would like to watch that play again, here's a link:

NFL Films has a much higher quality video, but you have to dig it out of their archives.
Here's Steve Sabol's take on the play:

We've heard a few good "catchy" names so far, but we're encouraging suggestions. Here are a few:
1. Hail Manning
2. The Back Breaker
3. The Cactus Catch
4. Evade & Capture

Keep 'em coming! We want to talk about this next Tuesday.


Amy said...

I love the blog, Craig & Rosie. And we'll try to be less flighty and remember to listen next week!

You guys were meant for this show. Pitchers & Catchers...coming soon!

Anonymous said...

Those are too corny. I'd say it needs to be simple - something like "The Play," or even "The Better Catch." But my favorite suggestion is actually Craig's..."Tyree." I think it should just be named after the otherwise unknown but crucial key to the Giants' improbable - and therefore great - SuperBowl win...."Tyree." That says it all.
-Chris J-V

Anonymous said...

The Houdini Heave
-Scott C.

Anonymous said...

or the tyree tumble
- Scott C.